Friday, February 24, 2006

Caught tube handed

You see it all the time, you'll be sitting on the tube, waiting for the doors to close (sometimes it's a bit of a waiting game, are they going to close? how many more suckers can they squeeze in before they close?) and then right at the end some idiot will come along, pay no heed to the beep beep sound that the closing tube doors make and stick their foot/leg/briefcase/head/baby in the doorway so the driver has to open the door for their slow moving arses to get in. I've seen people do this trick then stand in the doorway till each one of their twenty friends gets in. Well something about this manoeuvre must've seeped in to my consciousness. For after a nice relaxing session of cranial osteopathy (dont those two words just send you adrift into a state of bliss?) I went to catch the tube and ran up the stairs two at a time, heard the beep sound, saw the doors close, but somewhere in my head something told me - go for it, stick your arm in. And thats what I did. I stuck my arm into the closing door and guess what. The bastard slam shut on it. There I was with my arm stuck in the closed tube door. My flailing hand inside the carriage, whilst the rest of my body stuck outside on the platform trying to pull it out. The lovely tube driver though didnt bother opening the door, nobody inside the carriage bothered helping me, and I for a split second thought what if this bloody train starts to move. Then out of nowhere a guy comes and starts to help me, he pulls open the doors so i can get my hand out, the tube doors slam shut. The driver shouts something and the train starts to move. The guy who helped me just stood and stared at the perfect A-grade idiot before him. So embarrassing... I have been since informed that one must stick a foot or leg in, not one's arm. With a foot or leg you can use your arms to prise the door open. Not that I intend to do that manoeuvre again - well not until the next cranial osteopathy session.


Blogger Miss Construed... said...

Hi; I found your blog on Women Bloggers and just wanted to say hi since I've stuck around and read for longer than a few minutes.It helped that your style of writing is both thoughtful and engaging but at the same time I must also confess that the one-eyed kitten creeped me out!
Hope this experience never happens to me; I reckon I would have had a panic/heart/anxiety attack right there on the platform.
Anyway; just wanted to introduce myself as I may find my way back here to your site one day- I can appreciate a good rant- I suppose my own blog might also be considered full of random anger so maybe that's why I chose to read your's.

So cheers from Australia- and you really should have celebrated Australia Day- it's one hell of a party day!

1:40 pm  
Blogger samscomps said...

Hi rn_buffoon, thanks for reading! Glad someone still is out there...

1:54 pm  
Blogger Miss Construed... said...

I went through a few of your older posts out of curiosity- and noticed that you must have lived in Sydney at one stage. Did you ever go north to Newcastle? That's where I belong.

And I would have left a message on your liberatti-glitterati post(that's probably not what it was called but it was so funny) but I doubted you would've gone back to read it, so I'm writing it here. Good on you for even daring to follow the 'writer's dream'; and good luck with it- you have the talent from what I see.

11:53 pm  

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