Monday, April 23, 2007

Emergency straightening

Vending machines - they go where no shopkeeper dares to go - train platforms, dark alleys, that deserted corner of the airport where all the no-frills airlines disembark, bar toilets, all in the name of convenience... Sure I can understand dispensing fatty crisps, and fizzy drinks, hey I've even seen ones at airports dispensing trashy paperbacks, but a hair straightener? I was in Birmingham a few days ago and saw this gadget in a bar toilet. Like really, why? Is frizz the worst thing that could happen to you in a darkened bar in the Midlands? Hot irons and alcohol combined could have some fun effects though.

Don't you love this photo. What could they be talking about?

Blonde: Oh my god can you believe I forgot to straighten my hair?

Brunette: Yeah and you stink too - want a spritz?

Blonde: Sure, and then later we can talk about our sanitary needs.

Brunette: Absolutely! Right after we bitch about our "best friend" who happens to be in one of the cubicles right now.

Blonde: Yes, public toilets are the best place to bitch about friends - they are so private and no one else can hear you. Ooh shit I just electrocuted myself, lucky I'm brain dead enough to not notice.

Oh I'm sure they're both very nice girls.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you go into a bar in deepest Essex, you'll see the straighteners in the boy's loos too! :-P

2:04 pm  
Blogger samscomps said...

A bar in deepest Essex? That there is a bar too far!

2:31 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

You're kidding? They actually have straighteners in bar loos?? They're dangerous enough when sober...!! Death by straighteners!!

Enjoying your blog :)

10:57 am  

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